Let me EQUIP you to use the God-given gifts you were born with.
Did you know that you were born with everything that you needed to fulfill the purpose that God created you for? That it isn’t based on your status, your education, your material possessions or lack thereof? It is solely based on what He placed in you when He formed you in your mother’s womb. If you tap into Him and His Holy Spirit, you can accomplish everything that you were created to do!
It is often something that you are already doing daily, that comes to you so naturally, you don’t even think about or pay attention to it. But if you stopped to think about it, you could pinpoint your gifts. You may not fully know yet the bigger picture of how God wants to use your gifts and pair them with your life experiences, but with an in-depth deep-dive, we could discover it together.
Email me now: freedom@toniadbenas.com
Schedule a connect call: https://calendly.com/coach-tonia/discovery-call
Call or Text (678) 310 - 4357
Celebrate Life!
John 10:10 tells us, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly (Jesus)."
Are you living an abundant life? Making the most of it, no matter what hand you have been dealt? Life is a gift to each and everyone of us every single day. We must celebrate it. Jesus gave His life as a ransom for many, so that we could walk in righteousness, unashamed, and covered by the blood.
Today, focus on celebrating your life and the life of others around you. We are all God's children and He loves us all the SAME. Practice extending that same type of love and compassion that you would want someone to show you, and live life to the full.
How will you celebrate life today?
Follow Through
In Philippians 1:6, we are reminded, "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
How often have you started something, and made some progress? You were motivated and empowered and excited, and as soon as you hit opposition, you stopped? Opposition will come. Life will happen. Can you follow through?
Jesus begins a work in us from the moment that we are born. We have a choice to choose life, and to choose Him. He molds us and shapes us and uses the experiences of life to teach us and build our character in Him. He continually works on us to help us become who He created us to be.
We must have that same mentality and follow through with the assignments and tasks that He has given us. No matter how big or small, they all matter. So, today, practice following through. Some things do come to an end and it is okay to let it go; but the things God gave you to do, don't tarry. Follow through!